Early 2022, still on the let’s call it “peak” of sports cards I found an ad on Facebook of someone that was selling 1992-93 Panini Longa Vida Packs (in short, packs that came out in yogurts – link to my article on my insta : ), packs that you could pack a rookie Figo or Rui Costa for 5€ each. I thought to myself that was a great price and pulled the trigger and bought 20 – for 100€ – and listed 5 for 100€ on eBay.

As some of you know, the crash came, all of the 2022 inflation and other events came and I thought to myself this was a bad deal. Almost a year went by and seemingly no one cared about my ad (not even a single offer) – I dropped the price to 50 and still no one cared about it. I managed to trade a pack for a rookie Enzo Fernandez in early July – which I sold for 110€ just after the World Cup ( net 80€ – still negative by 20€) which was one of my best decisions of 2022.

Fast forward almost a year – year and 10 months after buying the packs, I finally got an offer for the 5 packs – which made me another 20€ (putting me on net 0). I re-listed the listing another 5 packs, but this time you could by them as singles for 15 € shipped (which you net me 10€) and funny enough just 2 days after the listing, I got an offer for all 5 for 65€ shipped (59,€ net), which i accepted, putting me finally in the green after almost 2 years. Still have 7 left, which I might keep for the foreseeable future.
Conclusion: I bet on myself that this product would give a profit and it did. It took a long time, just win back 60€ – but this strategy can be applied to you guys. You just need to be patient and good things come to those who wait.